Mindfulness Classes
Mindfulness classes are now available, with groups covering the following applications:
- Anxious Teens
- Children with ADHD
- Mixed Adult Group with Anxiety Disorder
- Parent Group
Four week sessions will include topics such as:
- Mindful Awareness
Focus and Attention
Breath as an Anchor
Puppy Dog Mind
Mindful Behavior/ Auto Pilot Behavior/ Mindful Eating
- Understanding My Brain
Noticing Sensations in my Body/ Thoughts & Emotions
Sensory Overload: Too Much!
- Pleasant and Unpleasant Thoughts
Being Mindful in Stressful Situation
Emotions Come and Go
The Mindful Pause
- The Power of Kind Thoughts
Noticing How Gratitude Makes Me Feel
For further information regarding start times and fees contact:
Laura Borg
Inner Peace Mindfulness & Yoga Instructor